Take Our Survey, Win an iPad!

Be a Voice in Shaping the National Anti-Racism Framework!

If you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, are a community member, and/or work within the Education, Health, and Justice service sectors, and have experienced racism, we invite you to provide your insights through our survey. Your unique perspective will play a significant role in informing anti-racism initiatives.

What does the survey involve?

The survey asks specific questions we need answers to (e.g. how would you like to inform the development of a national Anti-Racism Framework). The survey also includes some questions about you, to help us understand who we are receiving information from. Most of these personal questions are optional.

What will we do with your answers?

All the results from the survey on this platform will be de-identified (this means they won't be attributable to you). All the responses to this survey will be synthesised and analysed to help inform the development of the National Anti-Racism Framework to be submitted to the Australian Human Rights Commission. We may pull quotes from the survey to include in this report. Quotes will be short and will not be attributed to individuals.

What is the structure of the survey?

Aligned with four core principles: Human-Rights Based Approach, Indigenous sovereignty and truth-telling into decision-making, Community-led co-design, and Intersectionality and inclusiveness. Your feedback will be instrumental in creating a comprehensive and inclusive Framework. Your contribution as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person is essential in informing the development of the framework.